Atari Party 2011
June, 11 2011
Pre-show |
Games |
Systems |
Movies |
Talks |
Piles of Bill Kendrick's gear, games, books, magazines, and give-away prizes in his garage.
Photo: Bill Kendrick
Atari Party 2011 in "The Davis Dirt" monthly event publication.
Photo: Bill Kendrick
Atari Party 2011 in the "Sacramento News & Review" weekly paper.
Photo: Bill Kendrick
Atari Party was the "Featured Page" on the community website.
Photo: Bill Kendrick
Arriving at CW31 to hold a mini-Atari-Party in Good Day Sacramento's green room!
Photo: Bill Kendrick
Stephen Matthew Helms and family, and Yun Zhou, hanging out in Good Day Sacramento's green room.
Photo: Bill Kendrick
Cody from Good Day Sacramento (center) interviewing Atari Party coordinator Bill Kendrick (right, holding a Lynx) and Sal "kjmann" Esquivel (left).
Photo: Bill Kendrick
Sal "kjmann" Esquivel and Stephen Matthew Helms, both sporting appropriately geeky (if not Atari branded) t-shirts.
Photo: Bill Kendrick
Donuts for the volunteers!
Photo: Bill Kendrick
Bringing gear in and starting to set things up!
Photo: Bill Kendrick
Welcome sign. (Actually a photo of it being brought in after the show.
Photo: Bill Kendrick
Did we mention? It's free!
Photo: Neal Krummell
Miner 2049'er on an Atari 8-bit
Photo: Shari Bonnard
Pang on an Atari ST
Photo: Bill Kendrick
Atari 7800 game cartridges.
Photo: Neal Krummell
Atari 8-bit computer game cartridges.
Photo: Neal Krummell
Atari 2600 Kangaroo
Photo: Shari Bonnard
Atari 2600 Night Driver
Photo: Shari Bonnard
Atari 8-bit Stealth
Photo: Shari Bonnard
"Violent" for the early 1980s, at least...
Photo: Neal Krummell
Space Harrier conversion for the Atari 8-bit
Photo: Neal Krummell
Atari Jaguar's Tempest 2000, on the projector, where it belongs!
Photo: Neal Krummell
Tempest Xtreem on the Atari 8-bit computer.
Photo: Neal Krummell
Castle Crisis on an Atari 800XL.
Photo: Neal Krummell
Dig Dug on an Atari 7800.
Photo: Neal Krummell
Atari 2600 game cartridges.
Photo: Neal Krummell
Super Pong II
Photo: Bill Kendrick
Sal working on an Atari 1200XL.
Photo: Neal Krummell
Atari 5200 game system.
Photo: Neal Krummell
Atari Flashback 2
Photo: Neal Krummell
Atari Lynx and Lynx II
Photo: Neal Krummell
Atari Falcon 030
Photo: Neal Krummell
Atari 1040STe with sound system.
Photo: Bill Kendrick
Playing Atari games on Gameboy, and a Lynx.
Photo: Scott McCreary
A room full of bleeping fun!
Photo: Scott McCreary
Multiuple generations of games, and players!
Photo: Scott McCreary
Little kids enjoying 30 year old technology!
Photo: Neal Krummell
Nearing the end of Cloak & Dagger.
Photo: Bill Kendrick
Bill Budge on Computer Chronicles.
Photo: Bill Kendrick
Paul Cubbage, talking about APX (Atari Program Exchange).
(Grab the slides from the Talks page.)
Photo: Bill Kendrick
Darek Mihocka, talking about emulation.
Photo: Bill Kendrick
Darek brought these cards. (FIXME: Details?)
Photo: Bill Kendrick
Handing out raffle tickets.
Photo: Shari Bonnard
Atari playing cards.
Photo: Neal Krummell
Atari 1200XL 8-bit computer.
Photo: Neal Krummell
Atari Lynx handheld game system.
Photo: Bill Kendrick
Bill Kendrick, running the prize give-away.
Photo: Neal Krummell
Winner of the Atari 800 computer system!
Photo: Neal Krummell
Winner of the Atari 1200XL computer system!
Photo: Neal Krummell
Pixel Blocks
Photo: Shari Bonnard
Building with Pixel Blocks
Photo: Bill Kendrick
Pixel Blocks fuji
Photo: Neal Krummell
Dismantled Atari 800.
Photo: Shari Bonnard
Retro Gamer magazines.
Photo: Shari Bonnard
Compute!'s First Book of Atari
Photo: Shari Bonnard
Some beautiful art on old game boxes and manuals. (Plus some Adventure sprites on the wall.
Photo: Shari Bonnard
A talking Atari welcomed visitors, and could play some games with them.
Photo: Shari Bonnard
Checking out the dismantled Atari 800.
Photo: Shari Bonnard
Dismantled Atari 800's case.
Photo: Neal Krummell
Drawing on an Atari 8-bit computer with a drawing tablet.
Photo: Neal Krummell
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Atari Party 2011 home | There is no registration: attend for free! | About Atari Party | E-mail Bill Kendrick <>
Water tower based on
photo by 'ghirson',
CC BY-NC 2.0.
Penny farthing based on photo by Leo Reynolds,
CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.
"Atari" is a registered trademark of Atari, Inc. All other trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective owners.