Atari Party 2011

Atari Party 2011

June, 11 2011

Yolo County Public Library,
Mary L. Stephens Davis Branch
Blanchard Community Meeting Room
315 East 14th Street
Davis, California 95616

(Learn how to attend!)

Pre-show | Games | Systems | Movies | Talks | Prize Give-Away | Other Fun Stuff


Piles of Bill Kendrick's gear, games, books, magazines, and give-away prizes in his garage.
Photo: Bill Kendrick

Atari Party 2011 in "The Davis Dirt" monthly event publication.
Photo: Bill Kendrick

Atari Party 2011 in the "Sacramento News & Review" weekly paper.
Photo: Bill Kendrick

Atari Party was the "Featured Page" on the community website.
Photo: Bill Kendrick

Arriving at CW31 to hold a mini-Atari-Party in Good Day Sacramento's green room!
Photo: Bill Kendrick

Stephen Matthew Helms and family, and Yun Zhou, hanging out in Good Day Sacramento's green room.
Photo: Bill Kendrick

Cody from Good Day Sacramento (center) interviewing Atari Party coordinator Bill Kendrick (right, holding a Lynx) and Sal "kjmann" Esquivel (left).
Photo: Bill Kendrick

Sal "kjmann" Esquivel and Stephen Matthew Helms, both sporting appropriately geeky (if not Atari branded) t-shirts.
Photo: Bill Kendrick

Donuts for the volunteers!
Photo: Bill Kendrick

Bringing gear in and starting to set things up!
Photo: Bill Kendrick

Welcome sign. (Actually a photo of it being brought in after the show.
Photo: Bill Kendrick

Did we mention? It's free!
Photo: Neal Krummell


Miner 2049'er on an Atari 8-bit
Photo: Shari Bonnard

Pang on an Atari ST
Photo: Bill Kendrick

Atari 7800 game cartridges.
Photo: Neal Krummell

Atari 8-bit computer game cartridges.
Photo: Neal Krummell

Atari 2600 Kangaroo
Photo: Shari Bonnard

Atari 2600 Night Driver
Photo: Shari Bonnard

Atari 8-bit Stealth
Photo: Shari Bonnard

"Violent" for the early 1980s, at least...
Photo: Neal Krummell

Space Harrier conversion for the Atari 8-bit
Photo: Neal Krummell

Atari Jaguar's Tempest 2000, on the projector, where it belongs!
Photo: Neal Krummell

Tempest Xtreem on the Atari 8-bit computer.
Photo: Neal Krummell

Castle Crisis on an Atari 800XL.
Photo: Neal Krummell

Dig Dug on an Atari 7800.
Photo: Neal Krummell

Atari 2600 game cartridges.
Photo: Neal Krummell

Super Pong II
Photo: Bill Kendrick


Sal working on an Atari 1200XL.
Photo: Neal Krummell

Atari 5200 game system.
Photo: Neal Krummell

Atari Flashback 2
Photo: Neal Krummell

Atari Lynx and Lynx II
Photo: Neal Krummell

Atari Falcon 030
Photo: Neal Krummell

Atari 1040STe with sound system.
Photo: Bill Kendrick


Playing Atari games on Gameboy, and a Lynx.
Photo: Scott McCreary

A room full of bleeping fun!
Photo: Scott McCreary

Multiuple generations of games, and players!
Photo: Scott McCreary

Little kids enjoying 30 year old technology!
Photo: Neal Krummell


Nearing the end of Cloak & Dagger.
Photo: Bill Kendrick

Bill Budge on Computer Chronicles.
Photo: Bill Kendrick


Paul Cubbage, talking about APX (Atari Program Exchange). (Grab the slides from the Talks page.)
Photo: Bill Kendrick

Darek Mihocka, talking about emulation.
Photo: Bill Kendrick

Darek brought these cards. (FIXME: Details?)
Photo: Bill Kendrick

Prize Give-Away

Handing out raffle tickets.
Photo: Shari Bonnard

Atari playing cards.
Photo: Neal Krummell

Atari 1200XL 8-bit computer.
Photo: Neal Krummell

Atari Lynx handheld game system.
Photo: Bill Kendrick

Bill Kendrick, running the prize give-away.
Photo: Neal Krummell

Winner of the Atari 800 computer system!
Photo: Neal Krummell

Winner of the Atari 1200XL computer system!
Photo: Neal Krummell

Other Fun Stuff

Pixel Blocks
Photo: Shari Bonnard

Building with Pixel Blocks
Photo: Bill Kendrick

Pixel Blocks fuji
Photo: Neal Krummell

Dismantled Atari 800.
Photo: Shari Bonnard

Retro Gamer magazines.
Photo: Shari Bonnard

Compute!'s First Book of Atari
Photo: Shari Bonnard

Some beautiful art on old game boxes and manuals. (Plus some Adventure sprites on the wall.
Photo: Shari Bonnard

A talking Atari welcomed visitors, and could play some games with them.
Photo: Shari Bonnard

Checking out the dismantled Atari 800.
Photo: Shari Bonnard

Dismantled Atari 800's case.
Photo: Neal Krummell

Drawing on an Atari 8-bit computer with a drawing tablet.
Photo: Neal Krummell


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