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Eichel rel.ver.1/1/90OS.SYShh =L),  VLI /C /CS""SDCDRAWSCREETITLUPDATSCORMICLEVEOOCBRICSUCXCYBXBYSINDICBXYCCOTINXTLENXOSCO^}ROTIRSHTBBBDOBBdBPV@(H@"@@dK KN @ @_} @@"@@D@AA$AHAlAA`}@' @!"A#$E%&@'()@*@+a},F-S."D:RODENT.TBS":RUN.6-F:A6," g)!@ .6-@RR9@,9@,9@,b}9@,9@,9@,;@, N+f6-U:@,-6-U:A`,%@N6-+F:A,&@,$AVc}38@A'8A0AX3ARg38AA5'8AB83AYfG-@@$hd}'8%A(+ 9&g@qG%h@+9BsDA$+AV'AV#?8%AhBb8+8%A0e}Bb"?8%A2B()%9C:D ,%@@)!))%9C:Bf~Z<<,%@@)*)%9C:Tf},%@$@)#+)%9C:,%@2@),)%9C:tttt,%@@@)%-)%9C:TD,g}%@H@).)%9C:td,%@V@)/)%9C:0t0,%@@)0)%9C:ih,h}%@@)1)%9C:*,%A@)2)%9C:,%A @)/3=%@@i}P+-i@h98%A(= 7PZL6-@6-@!-((L6-A$%A$+&g,%@dj}f 6-R:f,6-F:Ad,i"@6-@k"@6-@n"@6-@p"@k}6-@s! 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When all }of the cats on the..(&screen are trapped, you go to the next:(round.:(' There are 5 rounds to a level, and}(9 levels total. A0--(%}} ԠŠ INSTRUCTIONS:<((Enemies:<($ Each level has 15 }cats. One on..(&the first round, 2 on the second, etc.--(% On levels 3 and above, there are..(&as many balls} of yarn as cats. When a--(%ball of yarn is aligned vertically or++(#horizontally, it rolls towards you.,,($ } If you are touched by a ball of++(#yarn or a cat, you lose one of your ( four lives.( <( Obstacles:<(% }On levels 2 and above, there are..(&sink-holes in which bricks can be lost//('and which trap you for a few seconds if}..(&you fall into them. Cats and balls of++(#yarn can get you when you're stuck!--(% On levels 4 and above, }there are//('mouse traps which kill you if you touch (them.(  A0"--(%}} ԠŠ INSTRUCT}IONS:%C((Trapping a cat:C($ To trap a cat, it must not have'--(%any free spaces surrounding it. Free*--(%}spaces for cats and balls of yarn are,..(&occupied by a blank area of floor or a/--(%mouse. Sink holes, traps, and bri}cks1++(#are all objects which stop and trap4(cats and balls of yarn.6:((Credits::(" 'Rodent Revenge' wa}s made and9,,($tested in January, 1994 and the idea;((( originated from Microsoft's game>//(''Rodent's Revenge'(tm) }for Windows(tm).C+(+( Rodent Revenge, By Bill KendrickES&((PD) New Breed Software, 1994.J(Written in TurboBASIC X}L 1.5/A.M(P(S(H A0JY-(%}} ԠŠ INSTRUCTIONS:0(?( Addresses:B(Y(New Breed SoftwareO\(}c/o Bill Kendrick*( 59 Palm LaneD(Novato, CA 94945-2574G(\(Internet E-Mail:R4(}@0(4 T A0 % C0('Ӡ٠ ([ESC] to return to menu)4)@"@'C% $ D:RODENT.TBS}.0(4 T A0 % C0('Ӡ٠ ([ESC] to return to menu)4)@"@'C% $ D:RODENT.TBSߏߟ?1??1?gollllogomml000pp좮~0~ 0}`@ 80 0 ~~`0 0`<}f ``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nf}44??==4444}}4444||44||44||4400<0 0000}𪪪??==44UU44}}44<~~~<}}4444UU44??x`x`~00000000} 00 00000000<>f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf <<<<}<fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<44444444}~x|nf8x8ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<44444444CSAVE"D:IS":RUN +@AY@6-+F:A,&@,$AV}h@@ D:ISOL.FNT|-A#)@% @%D:ISOL D:IS}%h@@ D:ISOL.FNT|-A#)@% @%D:ISOL D:IS45CXYCCATDPLAYEROPCSTICKOPLBBBhdAAA<x @}@ @ Br @Q @A Z@@@@2@}SAVE"D:ISOL":RUNɠΠIIORIGINALLY PRINTED IN COMPUTE!'S GAZETTE FOR COMMODORE }64/128 USERSBY JOHN DEARDEN33ɠΠ٠̠ˬ֛$6-+F:A,&@,$AV]9}@,9@,9@,9@,;@2,6. hhhH9eЍ Ԉh8`@@K:}*-@@&68,-* @w +@!AV'AV3@E@@}9WA@0iA A{A@&A %(@) )96-?:C:,}<@,KAA(W6-@c6-n(@(@% by bill kendrick ATARISERV  1-@}@"1(@Ӽ?? $ 6-%@$6-6@G6-@)6-%@5@}G@wA(4AA(%4F:Ad,"AU@F @)@(6-&@HF @)}!@@j 6-@w--@@"I(@ Ӽ? 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This bay --(%contains a strategic port that houses!--(%valubale munitions supplied b}y Allied",,($cargo ships. Since the fate of your#..(&country depends on the free passage of$11((these ships, the Na}vy has ordered you to%--(%protect the bay from enemy intruders.&--(% The payload carried by the cargo'--(%ships} is quite volatile, so you can't(11((fire directly at intruding vessels with-)..(&the risk of destroying your own ship}s.*//('Instead, you must capture the area sur-+..(&rounding the intruder and thus cut off,$(any esacpe routes.$ }A-(Ǡ.//('Isolation is written entirely in BASIC./..(&LOAD or RUN file 'IS', and the font is0}((( loaded and the game file is ran.1,,($ To play a game, plug a joystick211((into port 1, port 2 is optional. If} you3//('have a 400 or 800, ports 3 and 4 aren't4--(%used. When the title screen appears,5//('you're prompted for }the number of play-6++(#ers. Type 2, 3, or 4. You're then7..(&prompted number of joysticks. Type 1,8//('or 2. Al}l players are joystick 1, if 19..(&controller is selected. Players 1 and:--(%3 are joystick 1, and players 2 and 4;C}+(#are joystick 2, if 2 controllers is9( selected.C A<//(' After you've selected the options,=11((the bat}tlefield appears. It consists of>))(!a 7 x 5 grid of light-blue filled?))(!squares with 4 dark-blue starting@11((s}quares. Player 1 (and 4) are blue, andA11((player 2 (and 3) are red. Each ship hasB++(#its number imprinted on the }bottom.C(ǠŠD11((Players take turns firing volleys at theE,,($squares adjacent to their opponent's}F,,($ship. When a square has been hit, aG..(&ship can no longer travel over it. AsH..(&the game progresses, fewer s}quares areI++(#available for each ship to move to.J//('When a player's ship is completely sur-K))(!rounded by enemy }fire-no adjacentL--(%squares available-the ship surrendersM11((and is removed from the board. GameplayN;1((continu}es until only one player remains.; AO..(& Each player's turn has two parts.P11((the first part involves mov}ing the ship.Q..(&When it's your turn to move, your shipR//('will flash repeatedly. To move, simplyS11((push the j}oystick the direction you wantT..(&your ship to go, and press FIRE at theU..(&same time. You can move to any squareV}//('adjacent to the one your ship occupies.W11(( The second part of the turn involesX++(#firing a volley at a gr}id square inY,,($attempt to isolate your opponent(s).Z++(#This is different from Commodore's[11((Isolation, because } on this game, to make\--(%the fires more involved, they must be]((ADJACENT TO YOUR SHIP.( A^))(!To fire,  }do the same as if you're_..(&moving. The space you fire at must be`11((a light blue square. If not, 'BAD SHOT'a11( }(appears at the bottom of the screen. Ifb..(&you make an illegal shot 3 times, yourc,,($turn is over. If your shot  }is good,d++(#the space explodes, leaving a blacke(square.f**(" When the contest is over, theg,,($winner is } rewarded a victory anthem.h?)(!Press FIRE to return to the title5(screen.? Ai(j++(#After you'v}e played Isolation for ak..(&while, you'll develop your own winningl..(&strategies. In the meantime, here arem5(( s}ome tips that will help you get5(started.n11(( Diagonal movement is very importanto++(#in Isolation. A diagona}l move willp++(#sometimes allow you to get out of aq(sticky situation.r--(% Pay close attention to the dark-}s++(#blue squares on the board. Becauset..(&they're indestructable, they representu**("an excellent place to take re}fuge.v--(% You can block your opponent withw--(%your own ship. If the enemy has onlyx11((two squares to move on}to, it may be pos-y,,($sible to move your ship onto one andz- (punch out the other one.* A-% A "}6-6@P"AdAUA6-%@"@ /-@@#A( PRESS .?"@@!-@@#}3( PRESS SPACE.?6- F:Ad,@3A6-@3(6$L}D:TRAVELD:IS.INS- F:Ad,@3A6-@3(6$Lfff<<$<<$< 8<}f <~ff||f|`nf>f~fff<<~f<f xlff`````~cwkccf6^nfb}<fff<|f|``<ffl6|f|ff<`<<~fffff>ff<<cckwcff<8pp8?}ww<~~~<x`x`~<~~<}0~~0 ~~ <~~<<>f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<f}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<}~x|nf8x8ff|``>ff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<CSAVE"D:TT":RUN +@AY@6-+F:A,&@,$AV!}f@@D:TT.FNTz-A#)@% @% D:THNKTANK D:TT"}%@@D:TT.FNTz-A#)@% @% D:THNKTANK D:TT;<4CXYOO1O2OADDCCCXYXMYMPKOTANKBhdAA*AT~$} B @A  @@`AAA$@%}@vB@@@@AC@SAVE"D:THNKTANK":RUN$6-+F:A,&@,&}$AV9@,9@,9@,;@ ,;@2,9@,9@,9@,9@,6. hhhH9'}eЍ Ԉh8`-@@",68,-@568,->68,-c68,-@&+@$+!@,,g (}{-@@"68,-68,- 550,0,2,0,4,0,18,20,16,20,14,20,0,-2,2,0,0,2,-2,0;;@,9@)},;@@K: +@!AV'AV3A@0EA AWAABi*}A6-F:A`,%F:Aa,$AV%@ r (@ 4&@@q?(@r(+}@% by bill kendrick ATARISERV  G6-?:C:,<@,GF:Ad,@3*F:B2y,@@ ,}AdAUs +@!AV'AV3A@0EA AWAABiA@vs A-}2-@@%18,8,.68,-2 .-@@.8,"@9 @2 @7 .}G-8,8,+8,"@)8,"@7 @G(@!;8,"@)8,"@+!@;(@/}";8,"@)8,"@+!@;(@#;8,"@)8,"@+ @;(@$0}$%Z/-8,%88,,'@8,%88,,'@K8,"@)8,"@Z(@&.8,"@)8,"@.1}(@' (/-@@#6-/6-@)6-%+@$+&@,,+-8,8,;(@ 2}O-@@ %](@q-@@ F:Ad,"AU *n 6- @2'-@@ %7(@3}`K-@@ `F:Ad,"AUd n @A+/ @C)@#6.>:,/6-, 4~-4}-@ %%+",@ %O(@>:@$+@&,,]6-&@i6-@u 6-6-5}-|4M)4F)4L)4R+6-%@J67%+@$+&@,,,.V6-@l-@ %@ %|(@6}x.% 4 6-%@%6-@/68," 6-%@,6-6 @P0!@6-@10 7} A00>:AU,* @*@A2"12AU@@S2@AU@@8}g-@Ak 22@3"@A4q 9}@O67%+@$+&@,%@,<%+@$,,. 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Do you want too("play a tape (if you have a cassete//('player hooked up to your Atari)???(/)>)@6-M}@("@x46-> @$@@"i A9('Have your GamePad hooked up and press aD(N}key...Q)@[ A_i A^.(&For our first work-out let's warm up.@B@@`L"@^BO}@@R3(Stand on your right leg3-@AA6-R:,@0-@@7(::A @0P}&-@@&(>:@4,:#D  A0(Good...Now on the other...D-@A(A6-R:Q},@0-@@7(::A @@)&-@@&(:>:@4,-I  A5(Great...Now jumR}p up and down...I-@@2?6-R:,$-@@+(::?@@P7A6-R:,"@S}0-@@7(::A @U8--@@-(>:@4,>:@4,<e  A%(You did good...N(T}$press a key when your ready to go on[)@e AAh.(&How about toe touching ?? Place yourV(#feet on the baU}ck pads and touch theh( front pads...F-@@K&6-R:,&@@uP&6-R:,&V}@UR  A"( Excellent...;(Prepare for pull upsR(You may warm up...Z76-R:,"@W}0-@@7(::_2"@!-@@2(>:@4,:d2"@!-@@2(:>:@4,X}e:"@!-@@:(>:@4,>:@4,i F:Ad,"AU@nw)@ AD(%OkeyY}...sit on the front pads and restm($your back on the back pads. Now sitw A@s( up 5 timesx-@@Z}}&6-R:,&A%&6-R:,&@A0s  A=('You did very good.All 5 don[}e correctly.f($Take a break and then press a key...s)@I A2( Now for a jog...(press a key...)?)@\}I A3-@@ )-3(left A6-R:,@0-@@7(::A A]}PB-@@&(:>:@4,8-B(rightA6-R:,@0-@@7(:^}:A A`U-@@&(>:@4,:* 4 AU(Now for finger excercises...D$(place your left hand _}on D(Type each key to the right.-@@&6-F:Ad,&@cA&6-F:Ad,&@`}bA&6-F:Ad,&@XA&6-F:Ad,&@VA]  A=('Now with the oa}ther hand starting from I(to ...]-@@&6-F:Ad,&A&6-F:Ad,&@b}A&6-F:Ad,&@A&6-F:Ad,&@WAh  A<(&Good... You have c}finished all of theh('warm ups and you are ready for the day.(press ... 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