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Eichel rel.ver.1/1/90OS.SYShh =L),  VLI /C /CSCSAVE"D:C":RUN +@AY@6-+F:A,&@,$AV^}k@@ D:CHICKEN.FNT-A#)@%  @% D:CHICKEN D_}:C@@ D:CHICKEN.FNT-A#)@%  @% D:CHICKEN Dvw/!!CDDIOXYLABCDEFGHCSGOSSZCARTTRSPJSESCCOSODIFHLEROCRRRRXBBOSa}ROCKCBhdB@@@!@@ @ @# @# @   (<b}Pdx@@@AA@ c}@@ A!!@"@#$%@ &@'As(@ )*@+A ,-d}./01234@56@SAVE"D:CHICKEN":RUN$6-+F:A,&@,e}$AV;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,;@ ,;@!,;@f}2,p 6. 67@ ,. +67@,.R6. ] %'[ { '&^6-@pAdAU +g}@76-F:A`,%F:Aa,$AV%@K&@@q_AV'AVqA@0A Ah}AAB A@v7(@< >B(@b(@ by bill kendrickm(@i}(@ ATARISERV  E-@@ -(@ easy 96-@E6-@ _6-%@"@j}/->(@(P-@_(@)]"@ !-0(@<B-@k}Q(@>]6->F:B2y,"@*&6-46-%@> BP$F:B2y,"@l}$6-@LF:B2y,"@*&6-46-&@@ @L6-@i-@ @4(@@m}&+'@,B6-%@iA)F:Ad,AUA E 6-AV'AVET:,*F:B2y,@n}@k +@!&@@q5AV'AVGA@0YA AkAAB1o}A@v'A@1 A"6-`6-@ 6-'6-@#36-@?6-@p}TH:, ?P`6-@: 6-6-6-R:,4"@)"@:6-#6-A6-%+"@q}* @,&+"@*!,s6-%+"@* @#,&+"@*!, @6-@#6-@ 6-r}@$x6-%$@4-@6@P2A@T b6-&@n @x A0s}%6-%$@(@ -(@>:,(6-%@@+@&,@E) A-RP:H:,$, @t},6.7@,L67@ ,.7@<@,R6..RP:H:,$, @,6.7@,L67@ ,.7@u}<@,R6./RP:H:,$, @,6.7@,L67@ ,.7@<@,R6.0RP:H:,$, @v},6.7@,L67@ ,.7@<@,R6.2RP:H:,$, @,67@,.L67@<@,.7@ w},R6.3RP:H:,$, @,67@,.L67@<@,.7@ ,R6.4RP:H:,$, @,6x}7@,.L67@<@,.7@ ,R6.5RP:H:,$, @,67@,.L67@<@,.7@ y},R6.7-@"(@4-@A(@S-@`(@r-@(z}@8-@"(@4-@A(@S-@`(@r-@{}(@<fH:, ?0f2@P:H:,$@P,%@@P:H:,$@,%@d 1|})6-(e' -*"@'(@)f)"*"@)(@>g!*"@!(@}}(h)"*"@)(@<iY-@*As*@a*@2O2@~}Y BnlA#-@@@-@6@V2@Z ^ l6-%@o5}A6-&A)!@56-@s`6!@*!@*"*H:, ?PB6-@H6-T6-@}`6-@x"Ayb -(@>:, 6-.6-%@<!@*b6-%+P:H:,$@},&@,z!@) 6-{* 6-(!@**6-%+ ,&+!,}/6-P:H:,$@,#*/6-}~t 6-1-4(@>:@B%+N:,,,Q-@6@t2@A@$+N:,,} ;@"-%(@`16-; AU"*"*"@2+-@G2}K U B%%2@L-@"(@4-@L(@}>:%Av,"F:Ad,"@3" B@F:B2y, @%!AV'AV! @0S=(@SC}ORE: LIVES:````````````````````H(@S(@%%(@%%(@}%%(@%%(@====================%%(@}%%(@n%(@7-@"n(@(````````````````````}````````````````````_!6.'6.-6.36.G-@@_6-+!@,$@Q 6.}96-+$+P:H:,$@,%@,,&@E!@Q6-@?-@?2@+%@,$@@}@i%6-P:H:,$@,%@?6-P:H:,$@,i*7&@<%@,0 A(**7&}@<%@,0 A(996-++P:H:,$@,%@,$@,&@O 6-%67<,.7<,O67}%@<%@,.7%@<%@, "@6. "@6. "@6. "@}6. "@6. "@6."@6."@6.) )2@}K$ (@} &&(@you are the chicken($$(@ the object of this&&(}@game is simple cross$$(@the road but there##(@ is a catch this$$(@ road }is really a !!(@ lane highway$$(@in all levels there%%(@ are of course cars##(}@ '&  %%(@ SEMI CAR TRUCK BUS $$(@ but above level  &&(@there }are boulders *$$(@ in levels  and  &&(@they zigzag and past##(@ that they follow}!!(@ you enjoy1/-@@"/(@ 2 F:B2y,@A 3% 76-}%@6-%@+!@76-@ P-@@4(@entering level B6-%AP6-%A} k -AU@6@=-@@6@KA'c2&@g k  %%2} @ 'X -(@6-@6@T2@$@@X '}-@@6-(X2@+$@P,%@P@+$@,%@l-@Ap t 2@}'V6-@6-"6-6@*6.6@B6-N6-@V6.'H1%@}6-#-1-%@B(@>:,H6- 'Q-%@(@3-@@ 7 ; A-Q(}@ !'U!*"%-@U(@"the police slow the traffic"'h-%@"(@}>:,6-@A: H6-&@Z-@h(@#' -(@>:,$'R-@}F(@" R@((',-@@,(@ =)'33T:,"})F:B2y,"@B%*'++T:,*F:B2y,@B&+'33T:,")F:B2y,"@B'},')-@@$%%@) -'%6-@327 IAdAU[}Ax-@6@2@@P@ 66F:Ad,@3,AV'AV6 B}@6yAdAU'AD-@6@`2@@@@d vA@y$}:7-@@ !"@7(@ MEDIUM:'"@'(@ :!@@:$} D:CHICKEN !"@7(@ MEDIUM:'"@'(@ :!@@:$fff??;;`0?> |8( 0}`@ 800p3>> ||8<}f ``nf>ff~fff<<f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nf}ffff<cckwcff<8pp8?}ww<~~~<x`x`~<~~<}0~0 ~ <~~<<>f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<f}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<}~x|nf8x8ff|``>ff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<  SAVE"D:CINST":RUN 3@W ("3 CHICKEN!@%3(3 3 START-UP3 @@381.Be su}re all components of your computer system is off.443,2.Turn on television/monitor and disk drive.RR3J3.When BUSY li}ght is off on the disk drive, open the door and inster the##3disk with CHICKEN! on it.UU3M4.Turn on your computer.} (Be sure it has a BASIC cartridge in it or BASIC is3 built in.99315.Type: RUND:C and press }A>366.After loading is done, the title screen will appear.A3TT3L Press START to begin the game. If you don't }after a few seconds, breifJJ3Binstructions will appear, and a prompt PRESS SELECT will appear.PP3H Press SELECT} (when the title screen is on) to change starting levelTT3L(difficulty-EASY,MEDIUM,DIFFICULT.) Press OPTION to cha}nge game speed3(1-4.)333OBJECT3UU3M The object is to get your chicken safely across a 6-lane hig}hway withoutTT3Lgetting hit by cars or boulders. When you've crossed the street, the game'sWW3Ospeed will increase (}starting each level, or after you've been hit by a car, atWW3Othe game speed chosen at the title screen.) When the speed} is past 4, you willVV3Nadvance to the next level. Each level has more cars, but only up to 6 a lane. WW3O Once p}ast difficult (level 4), boulders appear from the top of the screen.!VV3NIn level 4, they fall straight down. In levels 5} and 6, they zigzag each time"FF3>they hit the road, and in levels 7 and above, they follow you.#PP3H When you're h}it by a car, or boulder, you die, and the SPCA send an$SS3Kambulance. If it's a car, the police slow the traffic down to }the selected%3 game speed.&[U3M When you've crossed the highway 5-game speed times, you advance a level.X3[3'}3SCORING3(SS3K The only way to get points is to cross the highway. You get 3 * LEVEL)LF3>points each time, }and another 100 for when you avance a level.I3L3*3LIVES3+WW3O You start with 3 lives. Every 1000 points yo}u get an additional life, but,0*3"you can have no more than 4 lives.-303-3SCREEN DISPLAY3.UU3M At the to}p of the screen, your score (SCORE:0 at the left), level (1/NN3Fin the mid-right) and lives (LIVES:3 at the far-righ}t) is displayed.0C:32NOTE:Score and Lives are yellow and Level is blue.=3@3C31W CHICKEN!&32'}'3 BY BILL KENDRICK30&3 ATARISERV 1989-3@0D:CINST CHICKEN!&32'cfffffff>`<|fl0fF~<<s<p<f< 8 0 ~~`0 0`<}f ``nf>ff~fff~~f<flxxlf`````~cwkccfv~~nf}ffff<cckwcff<8pp8?}ww<~~~<x`x`~<~~<}0~0 ~ <~~<<>f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<f}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<}~x|nf8x8ff|``>ff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~< .CSAVE"D:S":RUN +@A@0;(@ SECRATARYb@@} D:SEC.FNTy6-F:A,&@ARASUAV'AW@9AP}@U6-?:C:hhhLV,<@, %D:SEC D:S%ASUAV'AW@9APBCDLCDPMLEORTPXRINTRPOVDMHHOLSALARPODIBhdB@A(B%X}B'h @ @ @ @AAC}AmAAAA@@ SAVE"D:SEC":RUN'@}'@@9c$6-+F:A,&@,$AV6B2HC;@%,c6.hhhhhΠΑ}`R9@,9@,9@,9@,9@,9@,9@,f-@@u68,-6}8,-68,-68,-@G68,-68,- 68@,--68@,-@B68}@,-@W68@,-@l68@,-@68@,- +@76-F:A`,%F:Aa,$AV}%@K%@@_AV'AVqAA A(@ u (@} 2AD-@@u(@#by bill kendrick ATARISERV  %@A}6%@F:@,%@M%@F:@,_A@x|-@6?%BBw  _}-@?P3A@%GA A%[AA(%_ ++T:,*F:B2y,@}@-@?%+BBw/ L-@6@`A@%tA A%}AA(%A@d% 26-F:A,&@2>BByPA#@bA@rtB2}VB2HB2w@Z6-$AVZ6-?:C:*hhhhhͦΠˈ0̠`,<%A}<A(,;/6-?:C:,<%Ah-@\2AU&@@` t-@2 "}6-R:,* @>-@@p6-%+!@* @,&+!@* @,t  @6-@}' @!@'6-@ U!@U6-%+!@* @* @,&+!@* @*!,}#5!B2H@I%+$@,5A (.-@@.8,"@`-B68,-8,%@&}8,!@368,-(8,B68,-2`828,8,%@@$8,$+O:8,&@,,G8,"@GV68,-@)}` @R368,-@G4!-+$@,&@@E(@>:@:(,%+8,"@G,,Y68,-8,&@h8,}w68,-28,68,-6-@5z6-!6-&@P3-@}E(@0000_-@&B:=:,,l(@z6-&@; @`%+8,$@,<u!-+$@,&@}@H(@>:@8%+8,"6@,,f-+$@,&@@u(@=GH:, ? *8},"* %@* +%@,$@V68,-@d6-%@r6-%@68,-@@&+$@,> @::}++%@,'@,P:+%@,'@,@pA`6-++%@,'@,;"@*8,*8,"G6-@}Q A`68,-@B9"@*8, 6-* A968,-Ff6-&@!"--@}<(@ H-@W(@&f68,-K/"+%@,$@*"*"C-@@}R68,-a68,-p68,-68,-@G68,-68,-  AF:B2y,"@}%!AV'AV! @0-@(@'*-@9(@;E-@T(@`}"l6-@|68,-6@6-&@-@"(@ .-@=(@&I-@}X(@g68,-@s6-@68,-@0&+$@,%"28,%$LK6-6}-%A)6-76-%@K @@ M-@52A"&9 M-@}AQ e-@2 N1-@@1(@QUITTINGTIME!Ow-@}@5(@󁁁G-@@w(@" P^-}7(@ FINAL SALARY:$0000 Q-@&B:=:,,^(@T++F:B2y,@*T:,AU%}P-@@)(@YOU'RE;-@@F(FIRED!P A D:SEC*T:,AU%a].MAKWIMAKBTHELCLEARFLASETSCRARROWUARROWMARROWDTTLBTNBLLARWMAKARCHGARINVERSCHECOVEWXWYWXWYS}CRBORBATXREYECENTETTLLMARMACURSOPORARWCONORMOVECLICARARBTNHITBXBBXPOOMARINXINXINCBBCLOC}CLOCKCLSECWAITSHAPESBYHITBTFLAGFLAPAB B B!B B 0B @B PB `$ $} 8(( `((  B pB B B!@@8@#A(A(}@@t@0@@9 !"@0#$%@&'(@})*@+@,@ -@".A(/B'h0By1@2@ 3@456@7@!8@} 9A`:@;@!?@((A@BCD@EFG}SAVE"D:ARROWSHO.W":RUN{ B 6-A(%6-A() 56-@A6-@0E Q6-@]6-c6.}o6-@{6-@! 6.OK6-@$6-@"06-@4 @6-@L6-@!X6-@ j-@}(Other default arrow shapes.(O-(% Click button to see next shape.O(Shapes are: ARROW (pointer)p'}( CLOCK (please wait)I( HAPPY (thank-you)p(" SAD (made a mistake)t/(' QUESTI}ON MARK (didn't hit a button)V("EXPLANATION POINT (made a mistake)h-@@t6-@x,($(Paranthesis show r}ecommended uses.)/(x(D ARROW not included, because it's not given in SHAPE$.*6-@ 6.QUIT *}6-@ + 6-@ +"@@ '6-@  '"@ @  - 6-%@}!!@3-6-@ 6.7,  T:,"@  @6-@   l-@}@)-/(A-@I(M S(}eARi l|}ЭС}c6-}B 6-B '6-B!36-B ?6-B 0K6-B @W6-B Pc6-B `}6-B!}G;@6,;}@ ,;@@,;@@,;@,;@@,O6. ^67@@,.m67@,.u6.67@@,.67@},.}36-B p6-B '6-B 36-B!}v@.@@K:]6.(DT\D8D|||}|(|L-%@R(| }06-++&&B:,,'@,%*" }06- }Z-%@(.-%@&@4-V(|7%@<&@,|Z  }+ -+(7%@ }<&@,}3-%@3(7%@<&@,}6-@$}l -*(7%@<&@},B-%@&@P-&@W(e-%@l( }0  B",-++&&B:,,'@,%0(}6}-@$}P+AA +A7ACAPAR(}2@@#(}}}/6-@2$(}{AY@F,6-F:A,&@28BByJB2w@\B2HhAl}{6.xPhT )}6-6--B2H@H;6-$AV6-?:C:*hhhhhͦΠˈ0̠}`,<%A<AV,*}d@6-?:C:hhhhhΠΑ`,<%A%@:%A}(,1 =6-@@$d}+6-***"+6-@m}6-@$n}+@+@ }o}226-P:+F:@ ,%AV$F:@,,'@`,w}6-@$}S(F(-F:A, AT LINE F:A,$}AV%F:A,P BS D:ARROWSHO.W%w}6-@$}S(F(-F:A, AT LINE F:A,$71 G SAVE"D:POPUP.INS":RUN W$3EW POP-UP!L3# COMMAND LIST:O3W3 }W xx3p32000-----Initializes Pop-Up!'s GOSUB variables, used strings, and sets everything to default. !}V3V3KMAKWIN----Create a titled window. TTL$ gives title, CENTER=1 automatically UU3M centers the title, CENT"}ER=0 draws the title at TTLX, WX1 & WY1 giveIF3> top left corner, WX2 & WY2 give bottom right corner.I3TT3L#}MAKBTN----Makes a small box. BTN$ gives name, BX1 gives left end, BX2 givesYV3N right end, BY give vertical pos$}ition. (BX1+1 is beginning of text.)Y3ol3dCLEARFLAG-Clears all variables to default. Variables include BX1, BX2, WX1, %} SCRN, etc.o3WW3OSETSCRN---Does GRAPHICS and POKE commands. SCRN gives GR.mode, BAK gives colorXX3P &} 3, BORD gives color 0, TXT gives color 2, RED gives color 4, YEL givesVV3N color 1, LMAR gives left margin'}, RMAR gives right margin, MODE givesGD3< ANTIC mode, CURSOR gives cursor mode (0=off,1=on).G3SS3KARROWUP--(}-Turns on the P/Ms in double-res., clears player 0, and puts it atVV3N position 0,0 (GR.0 mode). NORM=1 will pu)}t up arrow, NORM=0 will put:73/ up whats in ARW$, ARWCOL gives color.:3SS3KARROWMV---Move arrow with stick *}in port # PORT. Gives ARX, ARY (position),mj3b MOVED (1 if moved, 0 if not), and CLICK (1 if fire-button presse+}d, 0 if not).m3$!3ARROWDN---Turns off P/Ms.$3kh3`MAKARW----Moves arrow to new position. ARX and ARY te,}ll position, ARWCOL gives color.k3TT3LCHGARW----Changes arrow. NORM=1 makes normal arrow, NORM=0 puts up what-}s in.+3# ARW$, ARWCOL gives color..3TT3LCHECK-----Checks for button press. BL gives leftmost position that.}'s Ok, BR RR3J gives rightmost position that's Ok, BY give vertical position of!UU3M object being che/}cked. If CLICK=1, ARX>=BL, ARX<=BR abd ARY=BY then"2/3' BTNHIT=1, otherwise BTNHIT=0.23#WW3OINVERSE---Invers0}es (button). INX1 gives left position, INX2 gives right posit-$WT3L ion, INY gives vertical position. Will inve1}rse from INX1 to INX2.W3%UU3MCLOCK-----Sets SECT to seconds from realtime clock. If CLOCKCLR=1, will also&/,3$ 2} reset realtime clock to 0./3'853-32200-----(Re)Gives error message, then ENDs.83Zeb3Z FLAGS=0 if 32000 or CLEARFL3}AG is done. If any (except ARROWDN) is done, FLAGS=1.e3[!3SHAPE$ default shapes:!3\223* 1 ALARM CLOCK 4} (SHAPE$ or SHAPE$(1))]((3 2 HAPPY FACE (SHAPE$(9))^))3! 3 SAD FACE (SHAPE$(17))_))3! 4 QUESTION MA5}RK (SHAPE$(25))`,)3! 5 EXPLANATION POINT (SHAPE$(33)),3aAA39 (No arrow, because arrow is given only if NORM=6}1.) D:POPUP.INS%! 5 EXPLANATION POINT (SHAPE$(33)),3aAA39 (No arrow, because arrow is given only if NORM='AWMAKWIMAKBTHELCLEARFLASETSCRARROWUARROWMARROWDCLOCMAKARCHGARINVERSCHECTTLBTNBLLARWSHAPEOVEWX8}WYWXWYSCRBORBATXREYECENTETTLLMARMACURSOPORARWCONORMOVECLICARARBTNHICLOCKCLFLAGTWINBXBBXPSTO9}OMFLAININXINXINCBBSECB B B!B B 0B @B PB `B! B p B :}B B! $$8((`((((@ @ @8@@;}@@t@0@ !@9"#$AB%@&'()*<}+,@-@.@/0123456789=}:;<=>?@AB@SAVE"D:POPUP.BAS":RUN|}ЭС}c6>}-B 6-B '6-B!36-B ?6-B 0K6-B @W6-B Pc6-B `}?6-B!6-B p'6-?}B 36-B ?6-B!}G;@6,;@ ,;@@,;@@,;@,;@@,O6. ^67@@,.@}m67@,.u6.67@@,.67@,.}]@.@@K:]6.(DT\D8D|||A}|:%A(,1 =6-@@$d}+6-***"+6-@m}6-@$n}+@W}+@ o}A26-P:+F:@ ,%AV$F:@,,'@`,>6-@A$}S(F(-F:A, ATX} LINE F:A,$AV%F:A,P BS D:POPUP.BAS%,>6-@A$}S(F(-F:A, ATH*+((MAKWIMAKBTHELCLEARFLASETSCRARROWUARROWMARROWDCLOCMAKARCHGARINVERSCHECTTLBTNBLLARWSHAPEOVEWXZ}WYWXWYSCRBORBATXREYECENTETTLLMARMACURSOPORARWCONORMOVECLICARARBTNHICLOCKCLFLAGTWINBXBBXPSTO[}OMFLAININXINXINCBBSECCLEARFLAGBBEEBINARROB B B B 0B @B PB `\}B! B p B B! $$8((`((((@@9@]}#@@@t@0@ !@9"#$AB%@&^}'(@)@*+,@-@ P.@#/@00@"1@72A(3B'h4Bh5@6@_}7@89@:@7;@1<@6=@">A`?@1@@6AB@CDE@F`}G@!HIJSAVE"D:POPUP.DMO":RUNn B 6- ! >6.POP-UP! Demonstrationa}.J6-@0V6-@b6-@n6-@l 6.6-  1-@@S2@ @b}@b6.D8T\D8Df l6. %2@"@@) - 96-@E6-AI k2c}}-@@(6-@ y-@@>($Use joystick in Port 1 to move arrowP-@@d}y($onto the inverse plus, and press the M-@@%( firebutton.16-@=6-@I6-@M e}  "@{6. POP-UP! Demo.#6-@/6-@;6-@!G6-@ K ]-@@c(f}u-@@{(+q-@@%( This box is7-@@L(called a window.^-@@ q(q}JF#DOS SYSF6'DUP SYSF]C FD`CHICKEN F CHICKEN FNTFCINST F SEC FNTFS F'SEC F*ARROWSHOW FPOPUP INSF"7POPUP BASFRYPOPUP DMOF5TICTACTOPOPF BREAKTRSFNTFOBREAKTRSTBSFBMUSIC COMF]AUTORUN BASF cANIM FNTF lGHOST FNTFuGHOST FxGHOSTC F CONNECT4FNTFC4 F%CONNECT4 FTINST FT FETTRS F *TETRIS FNTF 3TETRIS F?TETRIS PICF ^TETPN FjA2 F mAXIS2 FNTF$vAXIS2 F OTHELLO FNTFO FOTH FOTH PICThe windows inm-@@((POP-UP! can be:-@@L( as big as the^-@@m( screen, orr}s-@@%( as small as7-@@B(3 x 4.K6.OKW6-@c6-@o6-@s u-@s}@((Move the arrow:-@@O(to the OK buttona-@@u(and 'click' it.?6-@6t}-@'6-@36-@?6-@  "@%+  -@@#(+' + W6u}-@06-@3'6-@36-@;6.? Q-@@W(q-@@)(To the right of;-v}@@N(this window is`-@@ q( the smallestv-@@((window you can:-@@w}O(have writting ina-@@v((1 character for u-@@*(title, and 1 for<-@@Q(x}the rest.) Clickc-@@u( the OK button! -@ @ (below.#  "@5$H  y} (6.POP-UP! Demonstration.:-@@@(+D H %u-@@(--@@S(!The informatz}ion needed to creat ae-@@u( window are:&-@@,(window's left side>-@@V(win{}dow's right sideh-@@ y( window's top6-@'-@@)(window's bottom;-@@M(|} windows title_-@@(if the title is centered or not(_-@@9(titles leftmost position (if i}}tK-@@_(isn't centered))@-@@@(&*Y-@@~}8(The arrow is made by doing theJ-@@Y( following:+k-@@3(turning the arrow mode onE-@}@k(!telling it if it's a normal arrow,Z-@@ 6(giving a shape (if the arrowH-@@!Z(} isn't normal)--@@"7(giving the color of the arrowB6.NEXTN6-@0Z6-@7f6-@j v6-}@16-@6.  "@F/O6-@16-@6'6-@+ / K6.POP-UP! Demo. Arrows:}O 2s-@@;(!To move an arrow, all you need isM-@@s(!the port # for the joystick being3s-}@@<("used. The horizontal and verticalN-@@s( positions of the arrow will move4u-@@}:( according to which direction theL-@@ u($joystick is pushed. If the firebut-5v-@@;(}!ton is pressed, the computer willM-@@v($know, and if the arrow is moved, the6f-@@2(compu}ter will know, too.>6-@0J6-@7V6-@"Z f6-@"7  "@U87  -@}@#(+' 36-@7 <j-@@<("To change the position or shape ofN-@@j(the arrow,} you have to:=d-@@/(give the new positionA-@@d(give a new shape for the arrow>q-@}@4((or tell the normal shape)F-@@ q(&?[-@@5(}Turning off the arrow takesG-@@[(no information.@x-@@@(&}R-@@x(!Another feature is the ability toAn-@@:( automatically check if a certainL-@}@n(button (or position) is beingB;-@@;(!'clicked'. All that's needed is:Ch-@@}5(leftmost position of buttonG-@@h(rightmost position of buttonDk-@@5(vertical posit}ion of buttonG-@@ k(if firebutton is down (found byEc-@@!-(arrow-move routine)?-@@}"c(pitch to play if button clickedH  "@rI6-@   KY-@@<("}To inverse a button (or position),N-@@Y(takes:L|-@@+(leftmost position=-@@}T(rightmost positionf-@@|(vertical positionMv-@@@(&}R-@@ v(The last features are the clockNv-@@=(#which looks at the Atari's realtimeO-@}@v("clock and determines the number ofPu-@@=(#seconds that have passed, or resetsO-@@}u(!the clock. And the other defaultQ4-@@4(shapes. These shapes are:Ri-@@>($ALARM C}LOCK (seen at the beginningP-@@i(of the demo., thoughS.-@@.(the second animationT/-}@@/(was specifically madeU(-@@((for the demo.)Vg-@@$( HAPPY FACE6-@}@ C(SAD FACEU-@@!g( QUESTION MARKWG-@@"+(EXPLANATION POINT76-@"; G6-@"}Z  "@[7  6. QUIT MENU 1-@@7(\66.QUIT6-@&6-@(}26-@6 ^A6.RUN 'ARROWSHOW'%6-@) 56-@A6-@'_4 6-@ #"@' 1}+4`06-@ "@0% D:ARROWSHO.Wc @|}ЭС}W6-B 6-B '6-}B 36-B 0?6-B @K6-B PW6-B `}36-B!6-B p'6-B 36-B!}G;@6,;}@ ,;@@,;@@,;@,;@@,O6. ^67@@,.m67@,.u6.67@@,.67@},.}]@.@@K:]6.(DT\D8D||||:%A(,1 =6-@@$d}_6-***"+6}-@/K2@@@_-@@ e}/ * /2@m}6-@$}n}7@+@ 76-o}A26-P:+F:@ ,%AV$F:@,,'@`,>6-@A$}S}(F(-F:A, AT LINE F:A,$AV%F:A,P BS D:POPUP.DMO%,>6-@A$}Se=>yMAKWIMAKBTHELCLEARFLASETSCRARROWUARROWMARROWDTTLBTNBLLARWMAKARCHGARINVERSCHECOVEWXWYWXWYS}CRBORBATXREYECENTETTLLMARMACURSOPORARWCONORMOVECLICARARBTNHITBXBBXPOOMARINXINXINCBBCLOC}CLOCKCLSECWAITSHAPESBYHITBTFLAGFLAPANN2ARECOBOBBOXEWOVVVB B B!B B 0B} @B PB ` $ $ 8(( `((  B pB B B!@@8}@#@@@t@0@@9 !"AB#$}%&@'@()@*@+@,@-@#.A(/B'h0B51234}56789:;?@((ABC}D@E@FGHIJKLAM NOPQRS}TSAVE"D:TICTACTO.POP":RUNl B   '6. TIC-TAC-TOE06.OK<6-@H6-@#T6-@}l9@ ,;@,U6-@6-@!6.-6-1 5 9 E6-@I U6-@-@@}>($by Bill Kendrick ATARISERV 1990P-@ @l(Click button to play...x6-@6-@";@@},  "@p6-@6-@"'6-@+ 2(}>6-D6.H W6.7@%,c6}.NAMESp;@ ,  @@/@@7C-@@U-@@w(Enter your na}me player .AAR'-@@@( R-@@_@s}67B:,%@,.67++&@,$@ ,%@,.x  (}@1@@9CAR@U6}. TIC-TAC-TOEa6-ABp6.wt x  *-@@ &68,-*  n-@@#-@},(| |0 B-@@O(a-@@n( ~6.QUIT6-@0&6-@726-@"}6 B6-@0N6-@6Z6-@!f6-@1r6-@6~6-@"-@@H-@@H(}Go 7++&@,$@ ,%@<$@ , "@! A555 @)!@#) @})!@@!16-@%!@* @ 16-@!@6-@!@6-%@}!@!6-%@p 8,,2A@@@-@@PD f2}p @!)6-%@"@#-)(X "@-(O# 68,-b"@ Ac} A  @d)-@@ (DRAW!) A0n-@@ +(PLAYER  WON!H-@}6@\A$@xA$@%@2$@@@x) )2}$-@@!$( GAME OVER!  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KB3: Atariserv TETRIS Instruction ManualE3H3K3 3Getti}ng Started:3 GG3? 1.Set up your Atari(r)Computer as shown in the Owner's Manual. SS3K 2.Be sure the BASIC Cartridge i}s in or that your computer has it built-in.UU3M 3.Be sure all disks are from the disk drive and all of the equipment is o}ff.AA39 4.Plug your joystick controller into Port #1. (OPTIONAL)VV3N 5.Turn the disk drive on and insrt the disk with} TETRIS in the drive when the@@38 busy light is off. Be sure it is side 1 of the disk. 3 6.Turn the computer on.}))3! 7.When it is done booting, type:003( RUND:T and press RETURNlf3^PLEASE WAIT... should appe}ar on the screen as the game loads. The title screenshould appear.i3l33Game Objective:3TT3LThe object of TETR}IS is to get a good score. Falling 4-blocked ojects fall,QQ3Ione at a time, and you must position them and manipulate th}em to create aRR3Jhorizontal line in the game area. When a line is made, it will dissapear.TT3LIf you let the shapes} stack up to the top, the game will end. (This game is;53-almost identical to the original TETRIS(tm).83;33Be}gining Play:38830The title screen will appear. Your options are:++3#1.To press START to begin the game.=:322.T}o press I to see the breif game instructions.=3 553-You can play with the keyboard or a joystick.!PP3HOnce you press} START the computer will prompt you to SELECT LEVEL (0-9)."QQ3IThe speed of the shapes are controlled by the level. The n}umber of moves#WW3Obefore the shape falls on block is this: (LEVEL+1)/10 That means at level 9,$NH3@you can only mov}e or manipulate the peice once and it will move.K3N3%3 Control:3&443,To control the peice with the joystick, use}:'''3  rotate peice  fire(&&3 up)%%3 move ^ move ^*++3#pe}ice < > peice left< >right+%%3 left v right v,&&3 drop peice down-3 to b}ottom3.!!3To control with keyboard:/$$3DELETE rotate peice0!!3CTRL + move left1""3CTRL * } move right2""3CTRL = drop peice333Other controls:43START reset game5&&3RESET reset }computer/end game6'!3SPACE pause/unpause game$3'373How to Score:38PP3HPoints are given when a shape begins} to fall and when a line is made and93 dissapears.33:3Shapes:3;3There are 7 shapes:3<EE3= }       =MD3<      G3}J3M3>3The Screen Display:3?((3 Score:0 :,3 6$ l6-@#-@@51%8},%8,E-%8,%8,M(>:,Y"@2] i6-l$ C-A4*A5*@*@36-96-C }A0 +6-6-6-!6-+ A0O-@"%-@@718,%8,%G-8,%8,%O(>}:,&"@2  #6-@&$6-&@$U-@@#-@2( F-@@}&&U( ^-@@   1-@@@( ҪZ-@&B:=:,,^(@#A}P:H:,$AV,@F:B2y,@AP!Ap% -@6@<2}@ T-@@`6-t-@@$1%8,@26-%@--%8,(}>:, & @* -$q-@@(-@%8,7( +*+*+*K-@@O q2@}@@-@%8,#( *+*+7-@@; ]2@@@a 2}h-%8,(,-@2(@6-%@N6-%@`-@7@h(00}P-@@&( 8-@@I( M P$pg0((}' joystick optional- use /} andD( to rotate.V-@@#g( Press q F:B2y,@A`r$zr%6-P:H:,$@},$@;-@@GAK b-AU6@nAr {A$"$}l"-@ @!&6@6-@@X6-P:H:,$@,%@^-d(*h l $XW6.0000}0)67@&B:=:,,,.=:,=-@@SA5%A:7<,,W Yu +@A1-@@I(}@ HIGH SCOREe-@?%qAu Z -AU6@<2@@ }@ b2-@6?%A %@U-@@#-@2(!} F-@@&&U( Ab -@6@82$@< @ b2"}B;-@@#(̒7-@AP; C^ -@@6@,-@;(#} O-@@&&^( Il -@6@82$@< @ b2$}l @0'XAY@4'A;AV'AVXF:Ad,"AUB'$%}'X6-*P:+%@,$@P,66-@D6-%@X!@ B '6- A#'$$'&}l -@6?%,A@-@@d2+$@,%%A@h l %'v +@.(@'}} @A@0RA AdAABvA@v&'I3(@" youve be(}aten the gameI(@ź''33F:B2y,"@)T:,"B#('++F:B2y,@*T:)},B$)'33F:B2y,"@)T:,"B%-' APD:TTRS~%1" ",@*T:pfffffff>`<|fl0fF>ff>6f(t|p88pUU0~ 0+}`@0000 0 < 0 0 ~~`0 0`<,}f 03333000000 -} 00000<0000000 0@`0 xx6.}c6>0000008pp8?/}ww??000<~~~<000??x`x`~<~~<0}0~0 ~ <~~<<>f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<f1}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<000000002}~x|nf8x8ff|``>ff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<00000000 SAVE"D:TETRIS":RUN U +@A1A CAU-4}@ (((@    ,,(@  (((@ 5}  (((@  (((@   **(@ 6}(((@   ,,(@    ))(@  7} ,,(@ ,,(@   ,,(@  8}  c-@?%3A @%GA@%K _-@Ac d -@9}6?%4A @%HA@%L `-@Ad c-@?%3A:}@d%GA@d%K _-@Ac d -@6?%4A@d%HA@d;}%L `-@Ad  +AR@1@C@@9UA@gA <}yA@(}#-@@#( ATARISERV %-@@%( PRESENTS...!-@@=}(FOR"-@@(ATARI#'-@@'( COMPUTERS....$K-@AP "(}4-@>}@?(TETRISK%D:TETPN A D:TETRIS%'( COMPUTERS....$K-@AP "(}4-@A @} A} B} C} D} E}      F}      G}     H}         I}       J}         K}    L}  M}  N}  O}   P}  Q}   R}  S}   T}  U}   V}   W} X} Y} Z}  [}  \}   ]}  [{CCCCCCCCCQAE@2 _} SAVE"D:TETPN":RUNe +@A@;(@ TETRIS 2O-@A`}S e@e -@@ D:TETRIS.PIC7+@!IA@[A @k(@a}}}AYA@-@A8@0)@!(@>:,% 0@IAdb}AU72IAY@4 F:Ad,"@3@@m%6-P:H:,$@x,%@c}G6-P:H:,$@F,%@O1m")"@2@c1&@&@31%@&@d}K1&@%@c1%@%@w-@1,&@&@G/%@%@],%e}@&@s/&@%@w  -@6@$:,&@&@P/%@%@f,f}%@&@|/&@%@ [ ,',&@&@+A,%@&@E[,&@g}%@#',%@%@' @(_AdAU)-@=-@@[2$h}@@_ )6-$@%A%@9A %@M@%@Q e-@yi}A6%} %D:Tc @D:TETPND:TETRIS@M@%@Q e-@yFCSAVE"D:A2":RUN +@AYH@@ D:k}AXIS2.FNTi6-+F:A,&@,$AV}-A#)@% @%D:AXIS2 D:A2l}%2.FNTi6-+F:A,&@,$AV}-A#)@% @%D:AXIS2 D:A2 $$8H0fffffff&ABydfl0fF68of;p88pB$$B~0~n} @AB<~y$HH0O_> 0 ~~`0 0`<o}f $Bf||AA>ff|ffB$"UU]UIU"fBBffB$$$~r$H~@ xx6q}c6>8pp8?r}ww<~~~<x`x`~<~~<s}0~0 ~ <~~<<>f>``|ff|<```<>ff>>ff>|``|fff8<<``lxlf8<ft}kc|ffffff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<u}~x|nf8x8ff|``>ff>|f```>`<|~ffff>fff<ck>6f< x~ 0~<~~<78"4CADLEHOLEENDICCCXYSLIGOCCSRRBBhdP@@!B@w}@@ @ @2@Ap@@@@@@Ax}p@fSAVE"D:AXIS2":RUNK$6-+F:A,&@,$AV1;@,K6. y} s +@A@01A ACAABUA@xiAV'AVs A 36.z} by bill kendrick )6-@3 A  46. é ATARISERV *6-@4 A 46. to begin *{}6-@4 A A6. for level +6-@5 AA6-@VF:B2y,"@&6-%@:|}-@@P> J!@V6-@"-@ @"(@++F:B2y,@*T:,@}}6-@} A0+@)A@0;A AMAAB_A@psAV'AV~}} A@ A` Ap A6-6-6-@'6-@36-@2?}6-ApK6-]A Ai6-}1@@Ap)A2-@@(@}o 6-6--&(@>:,56-R:,i"@)"@)"@)"@)"@ o6-"@}6- +"@6-%@+6-%@!+"@6-&@+6-&@"5"@)"@ '6-}&@56-%@#+"@6-%@+6-&@$55 )!@) )!@AP'A1}%@1!-(6-(A(@>:@&%,(A"AAp*Au*A *A2AP}-c"T:,"*".6-@<6-&@J-%@[(@>:,c1.V6-&@!"}/6-%@=-&@N(@>:,V12 6-7e"A2-%@-(@};6-%@K6-%%@W"@e6-&@</ )-%@/(@ A'"@}6-%@' @ # 6-% @#6-@!@6-6@A@d%i-@ @}#+(@ =-J(@\-@i(@M5A+P:H:,$@,}$@,%@I-@@ M '"@#-@@ ' F:B2y, @%!AV'A}V! 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